January 3, 2014
Dia Rrhena was a powerviolence band formed by Adrian, Russell and I after the demise of our techdeathcore band Rivals, which never released anything. We enjoyed using numbers as song titles and releasing EPs three songs at a time.
FFO: Weekend Nachos.
Adrian Kobziar – Guitar, Vocals
Russell Alexander – Bass
Bryan Kingsley – Drums
January 2, 2014
Dia Rrhena was a powerviolence band formed by Adrian, Russell and I after the demise of our techdeathcore band Rivals, which never released anything. We enjoyed using numbers as song titles and releasing EPs three songs at a time.
FFO: Weekend Nachos.
Adrian Kobziar – Guitar, Vocals
Russell Alexander – Bass
Bryan Kingsley – Drums
January 1, 2014
After our second guitarist and vocalist moved back to Brazil, Ren Tyler and I decided to keep the band going. The result was this album, tracked by us in a Garage. Little did we know how fitting the title would become.
FFO: All Eyes West, Foo Fighters, Brazilians.
Ren Volpi – Guitar, Vocals
Bryan Kingsley – Bass
Tyler Eckhart – Drums
Pick and I went to High School together in New York. Shortly after I released Standing, Still he reached out to me and asked if I’d be interested in recording some stuff he had scored for a movie. I said hell yes! Here is the finished product. I’d love to do something like this again.
Tag: 2014